Monthly Archives: September 2013

Astrological Hurricane Season (and monthly forecasts)

Posted by Eric Francis


The patterns we have been observing throughout 2013 both culminate and forecast what we will see in 2014. Sun’s recent entrance into Libra; Venus ingressing Sagittarius; and the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square are rippling through every sphere of our lives. In this edition, Eric brings us contextual clarity for navigating through the thick of it and what to expect with October’s monthly horoscopes.

Quantum News

Posted by Eric Francis


This is one of those weeks when the lead story — at least here in the United States — seems to be how the world is falling apart. The sensation of everything happening all at once is typical of the 2012 era; it’s also typical of the Uranus-Pluto phase we’re in; and it makes sense when you remember how many of our national leaders are obsessed with creating the apocalypse.

And Now We Are Arming al-Qaeda

Posted by Eric Francis


Let the Akashic Record reflect that on the 12th anniversary of the Sept. 11 incident, the United States are providing the supposed terrorists with weapons, which arrived in Syria none other than on Sept. 11, 2013. With the dust and smoke and pain still fresh in our hearts and minds, this is enough to make anyone’s head spin and one reason why it’s safe to be against war in all circumstances.

How You Can Tell Syria is a Scam

Posted by Eric Francis

In this edition we look at the astrology of the Syria situation… problem being… there is no one accurately timed chart to connect the situation to. Astrology collaborator Tracy Delaney said Thursday, “Trying to read that chart seems to bring home the fact that this did not happen in a vacuum; it kind of says go join the dots then.” Herein, we do…

Moonshine Horoscopes — Virgo New Moon Edition

Posted by Eric Francis


This conjunction of the Sun and Moon in mid-Virgo is roughly opposite the centaur planet Chiron in Pisces. Eric wrote recently, “Because Chiron is so closely associated with the themes of Virgo and indeed tells us a good bit about Virgo, we have something of the perfect mirror.” It’s also the last New Moon before the Libra equinox later this month.